Monday, March 16, 2009

Is this thing on?

So apparently it has been months and months betwixt blog type postings for me here. I sure hope this doesn't mean the old heroin habit has gotten out of hand. Again. I think that in order to make sure I am still a functional addict, I will attempt the unheard of Once-A-Week-Post. I cannot promise any earth shaking revelations or well thought out opinions, but I can probably assure you that there will be letters typed in a progressive manner so as to form potentially grammatically correct sentences. Or not. We shall see. For now I will leave all who care with a hearty "Merry BDP Christmas" and a plan to return here again shortly with perhaps a more substantive post.


  1. I know, I know, I'm slow sometimes. But what does BDP stand for? (In between "Merry" and "Christmas".)

  2. BDP has had several different translations throughout the years, but always it is a name for the group of ruffians I hung out with back when I had free time. (Dan, Kory, Brian, Peter, etc.)

  3. Good deal, man. I hope the postings come fast and furious like your fists and feet and nunchuks and shuriken and bo staff.

  4. There's so much drama in the BDP
